A critical incident is defined as anything that interrupts the life of a student at the University of Michigan. A critical incident could be academic problems, interpersonal and community concerns, financial issues, physical or mental health-related, or a combination of issues that are impacting a student’s ability to be successful at the University. A student of concern is a student experiencing a critical incident or who is exhibiting concerning behavior.
Staff and faculty are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students Office with any concerns about a student. Staff members in the Dean of Students Office will evaluate the situation to determine if it needs to be discussed at the Dean’s (of Students) Behavioral Intervention Team or if the situation will be managed by a staff member in the Dean of Students Office.
Because DOS is a central resource that works with the school and colleges, units within Student Life, and other campus and community partners, the DOS staff is uniquely positioned to determine where the student may receive the best or most appropriate support or assistance. The Dean of Students Office can also serve as a central hub for various offices with whom a student may be interacting.
When in doubt, reach out. If you think that someone else should know about a particular student or situation, contact the Dean of Students Office to either refer the situation to a DOS staff member or talk through available response options. DOS staff members regularly get referrals from numerous sources and can create a comprehensive picture of a student who may be of concern in several areas of campus.
The Dean of Students Office can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone during regular business hours at (734) 764-7420.